Import and assimilationFunctions for generating homogenized time series from raw data (sap flow and ancillary environmental data). |
Testing and preparing input data |
Data cleaning and outlier detection |
Determine temporal resolution |
Gap filling by linear interpolation |
Data ProcessingFunctions to calculate and adjust/correct sap flux densities. |
Calculate zero-flow conditions |
Heartwood correction |
Signal dampening correction |
Calculate sap flux density |
Output and analysesFunctions to generate (aggregated) output data sets and associated uncertainties. |
Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis |
Aggregation of time-series data |
Generating TDM output |
Data setsFunctions and objects containing test (ancillary), calibration data and allometric models |
Solar radiation measurements (raw) |
Vapor pressure deficit measurements (raw) |
Daily precipitation (raw) |
Sap flow measurements |
Calibration Measurements |
Generate example TDM input data |
Allometric data sets and modelsCalibration data and models for 14 North-American species |
Sapwood area and depth, and bark allometric measurements |
Sapwood area and depth, and bark allometric models |
Predict allometric parameters from DBH |