Returns an example thermal dissipation probe (TDM) dataset with time stamp (n = 1) and doy-columns (n = 3), a value and a species column. TDM \(\Delta V\) measurements are provided at a 15-minute resolution from 2012-2015 from a Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karts.) growing at 1300 m a.s.l. in the Swiss Alps (Loetschental, Switzerland; see Peters et al. 2019). The presented data is open for public use.
Provides a data.frame with 11,6466 rows and 6 columns.
Date and time of the measurements (character
Year of measurements (integer
Day of year (integer
Hour of the measurements (character
\(\Delta V\) values obtained from TDM measurements (numeric
Monitored species (character