Returns raw allometric data obtained for 14 spepcies from several North-American sites.
These data are used to develop allometric equations for the parameters sapwood area and depth, as well as bark thickness.
A detailed description on collection method and sites is provided in Pappas et al. (2021; in prep.).
The parameters were measured along an increment core extracted at breast height (DBH, 1.3 \(m\)) with a Haglof borer.
Bark thickness (Bark_cm
) was measured directly, while sapwood depth (Sap_cm
) was estimated through discoloration and translucence.
Sapwood area (Saparea_cm2
was then calculated using:
$$Saparea_cm = \pi (DBH/2 - Bark_cm)^2 - \pi (DBH/2 - Bark_cm - Sap_cm)$$
Provides a data.frame with 651 rows and 8 columns.
Measurement plot (character
Unique tree ID (character
Assessed species (character
Diameter at breast height (1.3 \(m\)) in \(cm\) (numeric
Bark thickness in \(cm\) (numeric
Depth of sapwood in \(cm\) (numeric
Sapwood area in \(cm^2\) (numeric
Measurement site character
Currently included species are:
Abies balsamea
Acer rubrum
Acer saccharum
Betula alleghaniensis
Betula papyrifera
Fagus grandifolia
Fraxinus nigra
Picea glauca
Picea mariana
Picea rubens
Pinus banksiana
Populus tremuloides
Quercus rubra
Thuja occidentalis