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remis uses the UNFCCC Data Interface Flexible Query API to download Inventory Data. At a later stage, functions for downloading Compilation and Accounting Data (cad and cadCP2) will be included.
Data downloads via queries require a variable for a specific party and year, which are referred to via unique id’s. While party and year id’s are linked to respective data in a fairly straight-forward manner (e.g., single country or year), variable ids are unique descriptors for a combination of data sources consisting of:

  • category
  • classification
  • measurement
  • gas
  • unit

The above are referred to as ccmgu’s.

Initializing remis with rem_init provides a list with several objects to inspect available data and query for it. These include id overviews for parties, years, ccmgu’s, as well as respective variable tables and the query object for requests .req.

#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

rem <- rem_init()
#> parsing api/parties/
#> parsing api/years/single
#> parsing api/dimension-instances/category
#> parsing api/dimension-instances/classification
#> parsing api/dimension-instances/measure
#> parsing api/dimension-instances/gas
#> parsing api/conversion/fq
#> parsing api/variables/fq/annexOne
#> parsing api/variables/fq/nonAnnexOne

#>  [1] "parties"               "years"                 "categories"           
#>  [4] "classification"        "measures"              "gas"                  
#>  [7] "units"                 "variables"             "duplicate_variableIds"
#> [10] ".req"

Note that only calls using the Flexible Query API are currently implemented. These allow interacting with data sources from:

  • annexOne
  • nonAnnexOne
  • extData

Queries for data within cad and cadCP2 will be available in future versions.

Further details on the objects within rem are:

  • parties - class: data.frame
  • years - class: list
  • categories - class: list
  • classification - class: list
  • measures - class: list
  • gas - class: list
  • units - class: list
  • variables - class: list
  • duplicate_variableIds - class: integer
  • .req - class: HttpClient, R6

Building up Flexible Queries

Details on the Flexible Query API can be found in the official documentation of the Data Interface for UNFCCC.

Define whether annexOne or nonAnnexOne data shall be downloaded, and then:

  1. Select party
  2. Select year
  3. Choose variable based on ccmgu’s
  4. Execute query

Note, that objects in rem (excluding parties) provide all data sources (where applicable) reflected in the list items annexOne, nonAnnexOne, extData, cad, cadCP2.

Example A

1. Select Party

Here we choose Germany and France.

# in RStudio: 
# View(rem$parties)

parties_mask <- rem$parties$parties_code %in% c('DEU', 'FRA')
parties <- rem$parties[parties_mask, c('id', 'name', 'categoryCode')]
#>    id    name categoryCode
#> 18 23  France     annexOne
#> 19 13 Germany     annexOne

Note, that both parties are in Annex I.

2. Select years

We will select all years from 1990 to the latest inventory year (2020).

# base year has id = 0
years <- rem$years$annexOne[rem$years$annexOne$id != 0, ]
#>    id                       name
#> 2  32                       1990
#> 3  33                       1991
#> 4  34                       1992
#> 5  35                       1993
#> 6  36                       1994
#> 7  37                       1995
#> 8  38                       1996
#> 9  39                       1997
#> 10 40                       1998
#> 11 41                       1999
#> 12 42                       2000
#> 13 43                       2001
#> 14 44                       2002
#> 15 45                       2003
#> 16 46                       2004
#> 17 47                       2005
#> 18 48                       2006
#> 19 49                       2007
#> 20 50                       2008
#> 21 51                       2009
#> 22 52                       2010
#> 23 53                       2011
#> 24 54                       2012
#> 25 55                       2013
#> 26 56                       2014
#> 27 57                       2015
#> 28 58                       2016
#> 29 59                       2017
#> 30 60                       2018
#> 31 61                       2019
#> 32 62 Last Inventory Year (2020)

3. Select from ccmug’s

The selection of ccmug’s is possible is several ways. Ideally, one item of interest should be selected, such as a category or a measure, through which the appropriate variable for querying is identified. This can be done either by browsing in RStudio with View(rem) and using the interactive filter function, or by searching programmatically. The example below shows the latter.

Here, we assume an interest in emissions from cars in the transportation sector by fuel type and in total in the CRF-Category 1.A.3.b.i Cars (id = 9279). Therefore, we begin with category as our starting point.

# parties are annexOne, thus:

category_mask <- grepl('1.A.3.b.i  Cars', rem$categories$annexOne$name)
category <- rem$categories$annexOne[category_mask, ]
#>                                                V1
#> id                                           9279
#> level_1                                    Totals
#> level_2           Total GHG emissions with LULUCF
#> level_3                                1.  Energy
#> level_4 1.AA  Fuel Combustion - Sectoral approach
#> level_5                          1.A.3  Transport
#> level_6              1.A.3.b  Road Transportation
#> level_7                           1.A.3.b.i  Cars
#> level_8                                      <NA>
#> name                              1.A.3.b.i  Cars

The table above also highlights the nesting structure throughout the CRF-Category tree.

Next, find appropriate variables (i.e. combination of ccmug’s) that contain our category of interest.

variables <- select_varid(
  vars = rem$variables$annexOne,
  category_id = category$id)
head(variables, 20)
#>      variableId categoryId classificationId measureId gasId unitId
#> 1439      17578       9279            10510     10460 10468      5
#> 1451     924766       9279            10525     10460 10468      5
#> 1459     925785       9279            10530     10460 10471      5
#> 2406     924906       9279            10538     10460 10471      5
#> 2425     926628       9279            10525     10460 10469      5
#> 2730     926278       9279            10528     10460 10468      5
#> 2864     925125       9279            10530     10460 10468      5
#> 3019     924993       9279            10530     10460 10469      5
#> 3028     926280       9279            10528     10460 10471      5
#> 3887     926287       9279            10520     10460 10469      5
#> 4055     928586       9279            10525     10591 10469     28
#> 4096     928580       9279            10513     10591 10469     28
#> 4103     928626       9279            10524     10591 10469     28
#> 4105     928544       9279            10528     10591 10469     28
#> 4204     925435       9279            10538     10460 10468      5
#> 4205     925469       9279            10524     10460 10471      5
#> 4207     926637       9279            10520     10460 10468      5
#> 4229      94409       9279            10510     10460 10471      5
#> 4243     925496       9279            10513     10460 10468      5
#> 4254     925453       9279            10524     10460 10469      5

There are a total of 60 variable combinations that include our category of interest. Note that select_varid() also allows selections by including other ccmugs to be more specific. Let’s inspect the variables in a more human-readable format:

variables_text <- get_variables(
  rms = rem,
  variable_id = variables$variableId)
variables_text[order(variables_text$classification, variables_text$measure), ]
#>    variableId      categoryId                classificationId
#> 43     927370 1.A.3.b.i  Cars                         Biomass
#> 48     928580 1.A.3.b.i  Cars                         Biomass
#> 56     928872 1.A.3.b.i  Cars                         Biomass
#> 58     928896 1.A.3.b.i  Cars                         Biomass
#> 4      200184 1.A.3.b.i  Cars                         Biomass
#> 21     925496 1.A.3.b.i  Cars                         Biomass
#> 32     926374 1.A.3.b.i  Cars                         Biomass
#> 33     926583 1.A.3.b.i  Cars                         Biomass
#> 44     927427 1.A.3.b.i  Cars                      Diesel Oil
#> 46     928524 1.A.3.b.i  Cars                      Diesel Oil
#> 57     928873 1.A.3.b.i  Cars                      Diesel Oil
#> 60     928966 1.A.3.b.i  Cars                      Diesel Oil
#> 5      200185 1.A.3.b.i  Cars                      Diesel Oil
#> 29     926287 1.A.3.b.i  Cars                      Diesel Oil
#> 35     926637 1.A.3.b.i  Cars                      Diesel Oil
#> 36     926785 1.A.3.b.i  Cars                      Diesel Oil
#> 42     927327 1.A.3.b.i  Cars                   Gaseous Fuels
#> 50     928626 1.A.3.b.i  Cars                   Gaseous Fuels
#> 51     928708 1.A.3.b.i  Cars                   Gaseous Fuels
#> 55     928864 1.A.3.b.i  Cars                   Gaseous Fuels
#> 6      200186 1.A.3.b.i  Cars                   Gaseous Fuels
#> 15     924937 1.A.3.b.i  Cars                   Gaseous Fuels
#> 19     925453 1.A.3.b.i  Cars                   Gaseous Fuels
#> 20     925469 1.A.3.b.i  Cars                   Gaseous Fuels
#> 45     927449 1.A.3.b.i  Cars                        Gasoline
#> 49     928586 1.A.3.b.i  Cars                        Gasoline
#> 54     928849 1.A.3.b.i  Cars                        Gasoline
#> 59     928909 1.A.3.b.i  Cars                        Gasoline
#> 7      200187 1.A.3.b.i  Cars                        Gasoline
#> 13     924766 1.A.3.b.i  Cars                        Gasoline
#> 26     926275 1.A.3.b.i  Cars                        Gasoline
#> 34     926628 1.A.3.b.i  Cars                        Gasoline
#> 38     927111 1.A.3.b.i  Cars Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG)
#> 47     928544 1.A.3.b.i  Cars Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG)
#> 52     928803 1.A.3.b.i  Cars Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG)
#> 53     928813 1.A.3.b.i  Cars Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG)
#> 8      200188 1.A.3.b.i  Cars Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG)
#> 27     926278 1.A.3.b.i  Cars Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG)
#> 28     926280 1.A.3.b.i  Cars Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG)
#> 31     926309 1.A.3.b.i  Cars Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG)
#> 39     927130 1.A.3.b.i  Cars                    Liquid Fuels
#> 9      200189 1.A.3.b.i  Cars                    Liquid Fuels
#> 16     924993 1.A.3.b.i  Cars                    Liquid Fuels
#> 17     925125 1.A.3.b.i  Cars                    Liquid Fuels
#> 23     925785 1.A.3.b.i  Cars                    Liquid Fuels
#> 40     927199 1.A.3.b.i  Cars              Other Fossil Fuels
#> 10     200190 1.A.3.b.i  Cars              Other Fossil Fuels
#> 14     924906 1.A.3.b.i  Cars              Other Fossil Fuels
#> 18     925435 1.A.3.b.i  Cars              Other Fossil Fuels
#> 22     925688 1.A.3.b.i  Cars              Other Fossil Fuels
#> 37     927097 1.A.3.b.i  Cars              Other Liquid Fuels
#> 11     200191 1.A.3.b.i  Cars              Other Liquid Fuels
#> 24     926080 1.A.3.b.i  Cars              Other Liquid Fuels
#> 25     926180 1.A.3.b.i  Cars              Other Liquid Fuels
#> 30     926297 1.A.3.b.i  Cars              Other Liquid Fuels
#> 41     927247 1.A.3.b.i  Cars              Total for category
#> 1       17578 1.A.3.b.i  Cars              Total for category
#> 2       94409 1.A.3.b.i  Cars              Total for category
#> 3      173310 1.A.3.b.i  Cars              Total for category
#> 12     715050 1.A.3.b.i  Cars              Total for category
#>                  measureId          gasId            unitId reporting
#> 43        Fuel Consumption         No gas                TJ  annexOne
#> 48 Implied emission factor            CO₂              t/TJ  annexOne
#> 56 Implied emission factor            N₂O             kg/TJ  annexOne
#> 58 Implied emission factor            CH₄             kg/TJ  annexOne
#> 4   Net emissions/removals Aggregate GHGs kt CO₂ equivalent  annexOne
#> 21  Net emissions/removals            CH₄                kt  annexOne
#> 32  Net emissions/removals            N₂O                kt  annexOne
#> 33  Net emissions/removals            CO₂                kt  annexOne
#> 44        Fuel Consumption         No gas                TJ  annexOne
#> 46 Implied emission factor            CO₂              t/TJ  annexOne
#> 57 Implied emission factor            N₂O             kg/TJ  annexOne
#> 60 Implied emission factor            CH₄             kg/TJ  annexOne
#> 5   Net emissions/removals Aggregate GHGs kt CO₂ equivalent  annexOne
#> 29  Net emissions/removals            CO₂                kt  annexOne
#> 35  Net emissions/removals            CH₄                kt  annexOne
#> 36  Net emissions/removals            N₂O                kt  annexOne
#> 42        Fuel Consumption         No gas                TJ  annexOne
#> 50 Implied emission factor            CO₂              t/TJ  annexOne
#> 51 Implied emission factor            N₂O             kg/TJ  annexOne
#> 55 Implied emission factor            CH₄             kg/TJ  annexOne
#> 6   Net emissions/removals Aggregate GHGs kt CO₂ equivalent  annexOne
#> 15  Net emissions/removals            CH₄                kt  annexOne
#> 19  Net emissions/removals            CO₂                kt  annexOne
#> 20  Net emissions/removals            N₂O                kt  annexOne
#> 45        Fuel Consumption         No gas                TJ  annexOne
#> 49 Implied emission factor            CO₂              t/TJ  annexOne
#> 54 Implied emission factor            N₂O             kg/TJ  annexOne
#> 59 Implied emission factor            CH₄             kg/TJ  annexOne
#> 7   Net emissions/removals Aggregate GHGs kt CO₂ equivalent  annexOne
#> 13  Net emissions/removals            CH₄                kt  annexOne
#> 26  Net emissions/removals            N₂O                kt  annexOne
#> 34  Net emissions/removals            CO₂                kt  annexOne
#> 38        Fuel Consumption         No gas                TJ  annexOne
#> 47 Implied emission factor            CO₂              t/TJ  annexOne
#> 52 Implied emission factor            CH₄             kg/TJ  annexOne
#> 53 Implied emission factor            N₂O             kg/TJ  annexOne
#> 8   Net emissions/removals Aggregate GHGs kt CO₂ equivalent  annexOne
#> 27  Net emissions/removals            CH₄                kt  annexOne
#> 28  Net emissions/removals            N₂O                kt  annexOne
#> 31  Net emissions/removals            CO₂                kt  annexOne
#> 39        Fuel Consumption         No gas                TJ  annexOne
#> 9   Net emissions/removals Aggregate GHGs kt CO₂ equivalent  annexOne
#> 16  Net emissions/removals            CO₂                kt  annexOne
#> 17  Net emissions/removals            CH₄                kt  annexOne
#> 23  Net emissions/removals            N₂O                kt  annexOne
#> 40        Fuel Consumption         No gas                TJ  annexOne
#> 10  Net emissions/removals Aggregate GHGs kt CO₂ equivalent  annexOne
#> 14  Net emissions/removals            N₂O                kt  annexOne
#> 18  Net emissions/removals            CH₄                kt  annexOne
#> 22  Net emissions/removals            CO₂                kt  annexOne
#> 37        Fuel Consumption         No gas                TJ  annexOne
#> 11  Net emissions/removals Aggregate GHGs kt CO₂ equivalent  annexOne
#> 24  Net emissions/removals            N₂O                kt  annexOne
#> 25  Net emissions/removals            CH₄                kt  annexOne
#> 30  Net emissions/removals            CO₂                kt  annexOne
#> 41        Fuel Consumption         No gas                TJ  annexOne
#> 1   Net emissions/removals            CH₄                kt  annexOne
#> 2   Net emissions/removals            N₂O                kt  annexOne
#> 3   Net emissions/removals            CO₂                kt  annexOne
#> 12  Net emissions/removals Aggregate GHGs kt CO₂ equivalent  annexOne

Next, we filter for the desired measure Net emissions/removals and gas Aggregate GHGs:

var_ids <- variables_text[variables_text$measure=="Net emissions/removals" &
                 variables_text$gas=="Aggregate GHGs", ]
#>    variableId      categoryId                classificationId
#> 4      200184 1.A.3.b.i  Cars                         Biomass
#> 5      200185 1.A.3.b.i  Cars                      Diesel Oil
#> 6      200186 1.A.3.b.i  Cars                   Gaseous Fuels
#> 7      200187 1.A.3.b.i  Cars                        Gasoline
#> 8      200188 1.A.3.b.i  Cars Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG)
#> 9      200189 1.A.3.b.i  Cars                    Liquid Fuels
#> 10     200190 1.A.3.b.i  Cars              Other Fossil Fuels
#> 11     200191 1.A.3.b.i  Cars              Other Liquid Fuels
#> 12     715050 1.A.3.b.i  Cars              Total for category
#>                 measureId          gasId            unitId reporting
#> 4  Net emissions/removals Aggregate GHGs kt CO₂ equivalent  annexOne
#> 5  Net emissions/removals Aggregate GHGs kt CO₂ equivalent  annexOne
#> 6  Net emissions/removals Aggregate GHGs kt CO₂ equivalent  annexOne
#> 7  Net emissions/removals Aggregate GHGs kt CO₂ equivalent  annexOne
#> 8  Net emissions/removals Aggregate GHGs kt CO₂ equivalent  annexOne
#> 9  Net emissions/removals Aggregate GHGs kt CO₂ equivalent  annexOne
#> 10 Net emissions/removals Aggregate GHGs kt CO₂ equivalent  annexOne
#> 11 Net emissions/removals Aggregate GHGs kt CO₂ equivalent  annexOne
#> 12 Net emissions/removals Aggregate GHGs kt CO₂ equivalent  annexOne

All relevant information (e.g., units, type of gas) are provided here. In addition, unit conversion factors can be identified by looking up relevant source and target units in rem$units$units and cross-referencing them in rem$units$annexOne.

4. Query for download

Queries using the Flexible Query API are done flex_query(), which uses the .req object in rem to make a POST request:

result <- flex_query(
  variable_ids = var_ids$variableId,
  party_ids = parties$id,
  year_ids = years$id,
  pretty = TRUE)

head(result, 20)
#>    parties years variableId      categoryId classificationId
#> 1  Germany  1990     200184 1.A.3.b.i  Cars          Biomass
#> 2  Germany  1991     200184 1.A.3.b.i  Cars          Biomass
#> 3  Germany  1992     200184 1.A.3.b.i  Cars          Biomass
#> 4  Germany  1993     200184 1.A.3.b.i  Cars          Biomass
#> 5  Germany  1994     200184 1.A.3.b.i  Cars          Biomass
#> 6  Germany  1995     200184 1.A.3.b.i  Cars          Biomass
#> 7  Germany  1996     200184 1.A.3.b.i  Cars          Biomass
#> 8  Germany  1997     200184 1.A.3.b.i  Cars          Biomass
#> 9  Germany  1998     200184 1.A.3.b.i  Cars          Biomass
#> 10 Germany  1999     200184 1.A.3.b.i  Cars          Biomass
#> 11 Germany  2000     200184 1.A.3.b.i  Cars          Biomass
#> 12 Germany  2001     200184 1.A.3.b.i  Cars          Biomass
#> 13 Germany  2002     200184 1.A.3.b.i  Cars          Biomass
#> 14 Germany  2003     200184 1.A.3.b.i  Cars          Biomass
#> 15 Germany  2004     200184 1.A.3.b.i  Cars          Biomass
#> 16 Germany  2005     200184 1.A.3.b.i  Cars          Biomass
#> 17 Germany  2006     200184 1.A.3.b.i  Cars          Biomass
#> 18 Germany  2007     200184 1.A.3.b.i  Cars          Biomass
#> 19 Germany  2008     200184 1.A.3.b.i  Cars          Biomass
#> 20 Germany  2009     200184 1.A.3.b.i  Cars          Biomass
#>                 measureId          gasId            unitId reporting
#> 1  Net emissions/removals Aggregate GHGs kt CO₂ equivalent  annexOne
#> 2  Net emissions/removals Aggregate GHGs kt CO₂ equivalent  annexOne
#> 3  Net emissions/removals Aggregate GHGs kt CO₂ equivalent  annexOne
#> 4  Net emissions/removals Aggregate GHGs kt CO₂ equivalent  annexOne
#> 5  Net emissions/removals Aggregate GHGs kt CO₂ equivalent  annexOne
#> 6  Net emissions/removals Aggregate GHGs kt CO₂ equivalent  annexOne
#> 7  Net emissions/removals Aggregate GHGs kt CO₂ equivalent  annexOne
#> 8  Net emissions/removals Aggregate GHGs kt CO₂ equivalent  annexOne
#> 9  Net emissions/removals Aggregate GHGs kt CO₂ equivalent  annexOne
#> 10 Net emissions/removals Aggregate GHGs kt CO₂ equivalent  annexOne
#> 11 Net emissions/removals Aggregate GHGs kt CO₂ equivalent  annexOne
#> 12 Net emissions/removals Aggregate GHGs kt CO₂ equivalent  annexOne
#> 13 Net emissions/removals Aggregate GHGs kt CO₂ equivalent  annexOne
#> 14 Net emissions/removals Aggregate GHGs kt CO₂ equivalent  annexOne
#> 15 Net emissions/removals Aggregate GHGs kt CO₂ equivalent  annexOne
#> 16 Net emissions/removals Aggregate GHGs kt CO₂ equivalent  annexOne
#> 17 Net emissions/removals Aggregate GHGs kt CO₂ equivalent  annexOne
#> 18 Net emissions/removals Aggregate GHGs kt CO₂ equivalent  annexOne
#> 19 Net emissions/removals Aggregate GHGs kt CO₂ equivalent  annexOne
#> 20 Net emissions/removals Aggregate GHGs kt CO₂ equivalent  annexOne
#>    number_value string_value
#> 1            NA           NA
#> 2            NA           NA
#> 3            NA           NA
#> 4            NA           NA
#> 5            NA           NA
#> 6      33.78233         <NA>
#> 7      46.03468         <NA>
#> 8      79.19863         <NA>
#> 9      82.90973         <NA>
#> 10    109.39233         <NA>
#> 11    261.02488         <NA>
#> 12    389.07220         <NA>
#> 13    512.62435         <NA>
#> 14    793.73382         <NA>
#> 15   1193.50417         <NA>
#> 16   2614.46296         <NA>
#> 17   4668.01095         <NA>
#> 18   5080.86875         <NA>
#> 19   4435.05037         <NA>
#> 20   4446.86238         <NA>

See results:

result %>%
  setNames(nm = gsub("Id", "", names(.))) %>% 
  mutate(years = as.numeric(gsub('[^0-9]', "", result$years, perl = TRUE))) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = years, y = number_value, color = parties)) +
  geom_line() +
  facet_wrap(~classification, scales = "free_y") +
  labs(y = sprintf('GHG-Emissions [%s]', unique(result$unit)),
       title = unique(result$category)) +
  theme_minimal(base_size = 16) +
  theme(legend.position = 'top', legend.direction = 'horizontal')
#> Warning: Removed 7 rows containing missing values (`geom_line()`).

`%nin%` <- Negate(`%in%`)

result %>% 
  setNames(nm = gsub("Id", "", names(.))) %>% 
  mutate(years = as.numeric(gsub('[^0-9]', "", years, perl = TRUE))) %>% 
  filter(classification %nin% c('Total for category', 'Gaseous Fuels', 'Liquid Fuels')) %>% 
  group_by(parties, years) %>% 
  mutate(percent_contribution = number_value/sum(number_value, na.rm = TRUE) * 100,
            ) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(y = as.factor(years), x = percent_contribution, fill = classification)) +
  geom_bar(stat = 'identity') +
  facet_wrap(~parties) +
  labs(x = 'Contribution [%]',
       y = 'Year',
       title = unique(result$category)) +
  theme_minimal(base_size = 16) +
  scale_fill_brewer(palette = 'Set2', direction = -1)
#> Warning: Removed 76 rows containing missing values (`position_stack()`).

Example B

Here we will exploit the Flexible Queries API to download extData, focusing on the World Bank population data.

#> # A tibble: 4 × 4
#>      id level_1       level_2                      name                        
#>   <int> <chr>         <chr>                        <chr>                       
#> 1 10501 External Data NA                           External Data               
#> 2 10502 External Data Country Area                 Country Area                
#> 3 10503 External Data Gross Domestic Product - GDP Gross Domestic Product - GDP
#> 4 10504 External Data Population                   Population
# from extData - select Population Category:
category_mask <- grepl('Population', rem$categories$extData$name, fixed = FALSE)
category <- rem$categories$extData[category_mask, ]

# find variableIds containing population - ensure appropriate annex category 
# is used here based on desired party
var_ids <- select_varid(vars = rem$variables$annexOne, category_id = category$id)

# check and confirm desired variable is correct
get_variables(rms = rem, var_ids$variableId)
#>   variableId categoryId   classificationId        measureId  gasId    unitId
#> 1     188991 Population Total for category Total population No gas thousands
#>   reporting
#> 1   extData

population <- flex_query(
  rms = rem,
  variable_ids = var_ids$variableId, 
  party_ids = parties$id, 
  year_ids = years$id)
#> Warning in duplicate_check(rms, variable_id = variable_ids): Found duplicated variableId ids: 188991.
#>  Check results and possibly exclude unwanted observations.

population %>%
  setNames(nm = gsub("Id", "", names(.))) %>% 
  mutate(years = as.numeric(gsub('[^0-9]', "", years, perl = TRUE))) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = years, y = number_value, color = parties)) +
  geom_line(linewidth = 1.5) +
  labs(y = sprintf('Population [%s]', unique(population$unit)),
       title = unique(population$category)) +
  theme_minimal(base_size = 16) +
  theme(legend.position = 'top', legend.direction = 'horizontal')

Example C

The code below downloads and visualizes a time series which was used in a decomposition analyses in the Biennial Report of the Expert Council on Climate Change issues, as given in Table 4, p. 220. The data is from Table1.A(a)s1 of the National Inventory Report after UNFCCC, CRF-Category 1.A.1.a Public Electricity and Heat Production.

# check
cat1A1a <- rem$categories$annexOne[grepl("1.A.1.a.", rem$categories$annexOne$name), ]

# manually choose id
# cat1A1a$id[1]

# get variables
cat1A1a_variables <- get_variables(
  rms = rem,
  select_varid(vars = rem$variables$annexOne, cat1A1a$id[1])$variableId

#choose id:
var_id <- cat1A1a_variables %>%
  filter(classificationId == 'Total for category',
         gasId == 'Aggregate GHGs'
  ) %>% 
  dplyr::glimpse() %>% 
#> Rows: 1
#> Columns: 7
#> $ variableId       <int> 714972
#> $ categoryId       <chr> "1.A.1.a  Public Electricity and Heat Production"
#> $ classificationId <chr> "Total for category"
#> $ measureId        <chr> "Net emissions/removals"
#> $ gasId            <chr> "Aggregate GHGs"
#> $ unitId           <chr> "kt CO₂ equivalent"
#> $ reporting        <chr> "annexOne"

# download data
cat1A1a_agg_ghg <- flex_query(
  rms = rem,
  variable_ids = var_id,
  party_ids = 13,
  year_ids = rem$years$annexOne$id)

# data includes year = "base year",
# for most parties this = 1990, but may vary.
# the code below replaces 'Base year' with NA, and thus discards the observation.
# see UNFCCC API documentation
cat1A1a_agg_ghg %>%
  mutate(years = as.numeric(gsub('[^0-9]', "", years, perl = TRUE))) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = years, y = number_value)) +
  geom_line(linewidth = 1, color = 'steelblue') +
  geom_point(color = 'steelblue', size = 3) +
  labs(y = sprintf('GHG-Emissions [%s]', unique(cat1A1a_agg_ghg$unitId)),
       title = unique(cat1A1a_agg_ghg$categoryId)) +
  theme_minimal(base_size = 16) +
  theme(legend.position = 'top', legend.direction = 'horizontal')
#> Warning: Removed 1 row containing missing values (`geom_line()`).
#> Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (`geom_point()`).


There are several duplicate variable id’s in the UNFCCC DI (n = 360). Duplicated variables seem to only differ in one ccmug and have the identical number / string value. Duplicated variables are listed in rem$duplicated_variableIds.

For example:

rem$variables$annexOne[rem$variables$annexOne$variableId == rem$duplicate_variableIds[2], ]
#>     variableId categoryId classificationId measureId gasId unitId
#> 440     170726       8465            10510     10460 10471      5
#> 441     170726       8465            10820     10460 10471      5

    rem$variables$annexOne$variableId == rem$duplicate_variableIds[2], 
#>   variableId                                 categoryId
#> 1     170726 4.E.2.d  Wetlands Converted to Settlements
#> 2     170726 4.E.2.d  Wetlands Converted to Settlements
#>                                                     classificationId
#> 1                                                 Total for category
#> 2 4 (III) Direct N2O Emissions from N Mineralization/ Immobilization
#>                measureId gasId unitId reporting
#> 1 Net emissions/removals   N₂O     kt  annexOne
#> 2 Net emissions/removals   N₂O     kt  annexOne

Meta Overview


Parties are stored in rem$parties

# up to 5th entry on parties
knitr::kable(rem$parties %>% 
               dplyr::group_by(name_code) %>% 
name_code categoryCode id parties_code name parties_noData
Annex I annexOne 3 AUS Australia NA
Annex I annexOne 4 AUT Austria NA
Annex I annexOne 7 BLR Belarus NA
Groups annexOne 1000001 ANI Annex I NA
Groups annexOne 1000002 ANEIT Annex I EIT NA
Groups annexOne 1000003 ANNEIT Annex I non-EIT NA
Non Annex I nonAnnexOne 100064 AFG Afghanistan NA
Non Annex I nonAnnexOne 100065 ALB Albania NA
Non Annex I nonAnnexOne 100066 DZA Algeria NA


Years are stored in rem$years for respective

id name
0 Base year
32 1990
33 1991
34 1992
35 1993
36 1994
37 1995
38 1996
39 1997
40 1998
41 1999
42 2000
43 2001
44 2002
45 2003
46 2004
47 2005
48 2006
49 2007
50 2008
51 2009
52 2010
53 2011
54 2012
55 2013
56 2014
57 2015
58 2016
59 2017
60 2018
61 2019
62 Last Inventory Year (2020)

Variable Overview (ccmug)

Sections below give a brief overview on ccmgu’s.


Categories are UNFCCC CRF-Categories or categories under the Compilation and Accounting Data. The tables for each category have an id and a name column. Where nested sub-categories exist, additional columns using the name level_x (x = nesting depth) show the category hierarchy.

# up to 5th entry on parties
knitr::kable(dplyr::slice(rem$categories$annexOne, 1:10))
id level_1 level_2 level_3 level_4 level_5 level_6 level_7 level_8 name
10465 Totals NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Totals
10479 Totals Total GHG emissions without LULUCF including indirect CO₂ NA NA NA NA NA NA Total GHG emissions without LULUCF including indirect CO₂
10480 Totals Total GHG emissions with LULUCF including indirect CO₂ NA NA NA NA NA NA Total GHG emissions with LULUCF including indirect CO₂
10464 Totals Total GHG emissions without LULUCF NA NA NA NA NA NA Total GHG emissions without LULUCF
8677 Totals Total GHG emissions with LULUCF NA NA NA NA NA NA Total GHG emissions with LULUCF
10481 Totals Total GHG emissions without LULUCF 1. Energy NA NA NA NA NA 1. Energy
10482 Totals Total GHG emissions without LULUCF 2. Industrial Processes and Product Use NA NA NA NA NA 2. Industrial Processes and Product Use
10483 Totals Total GHG emissions without LULUCF 3. Agriculture NA NA NA NA NA 3. Agriculture
10484 Totals Total GHG emissions without LULUCF 5. Waste NA NA NA NA NA 5. Waste
10485 Totals Total GHG emissions without LULUCF 6. Other NA NA NA NA NA 6. Other
knitr::kable(dplyr::slice(rem$categories$annexOne, 88:94))
id level_1 level_2 level_3 level_4 level_5 level_6 level_7 level_8 name
9116 Totals Total GHG emissions with LULUCF 1. Energy 1.B Fugitive Emissions from Fuels 1.B.1 Solid Fuels 1.B.1.a Coal Mining and Handling 1.B.1.a.i Underground Mines NA 1.B.1.a.i Underground Mines
8573 Totals Total GHG emissions with LULUCF 1. Energy 1.B Fugitive Emissions from Fuels 1.B.1 Solid Fuels 1.B.1.a Coal Mining and Handling 1.B.1.a.ii Surface Mines NA 1.B.1.a.ii Surface Mines
9933 Totals Total GHG emissions with LULUCF 1. Energy 1.B Fugitive Emissions from Fuels 1.B.1 Solid Fuels 1.B.1.a Coal Mining and Handling 1.B.1.a.i Underground Mines 1.B.1.a.i.1 Mining Activities 1.B.1.a.i.1 Mining Activities
9427 Totals Total GHG emissions with LULUCF 1. Energy 1.B Fugitive Emissions from Fuels 1.B.1 Solid Fuels 1.B.1.a Coal Mining and Handling 1.B.1.a.i Underground Mines 1.B.1.a.i.2 Post-Mining Activities 1.B.1.a.i.2 Post-Mining Activities
8211 Totals Total GHG emissions with LULUCF 1. Energy 1.B Fugitive Emissions from Fuels 1.B.1 Solid Fuels 1.B.1.a Coal Mining and Handling 1.B.1.a.i Underground Mines 1.B.1.a.i.3 Abandoned Underground Mines 1.B.1.a.i.3 Abandoned Underground Mines
10282 Totals Total GHG emissions with LULUCF 1. Energy 1.B Fugitive Emissions from Fuels 1.B.1 Solid Fuels 1.B.1.a Coal Mining and Handling 1.B.1.a.ii Surface Mines 1.B.1.a.ii.1 Mining Activities 1.B.1.a.ii.1 Mining Activities
9601 Totals Total GHG emissions with LULUCF 1. Energy 1.B Fugitive Emissions from Fuels 1.B.1 Solid Fuels 1.B.1.a Coal Mining and Handling 1.B.1.a.ii Surface Mines 1.B.1.a.ii.2 Post-Mining Activities 1.B.1.a.ii.2 Post-Mining Activities


Classification differ based on respective sectors and/or CRF-Categories:

  • Energy:
  • Fuel Types
  • Agriculture:
  • Livestock types
  • LULUCF/LUCF activities

knitr::kable(head(rem$classification$annexOne, 10))
id name
10510 Total for category
10511 Anthracite
10512 Aviation Gasoline
10513 Biomass
10514 Bitumen
10515 BKB and Patent Fuel
10516 Coal Tar
10517 Coke Oven/Gas Coke
10518 Coking Coal
10519 Crude Oil


Measures include:

knitr::kable(head(rem$measures$annexOne, 10))
id level_1 level_2 name
10555 Emissions NA Emissions
10556 Activity Data NA Activity Data
10557 Implied emission factors NA Implied emission factors
10558 Additional Information NA Additional Information
10559 Other Information NA Other Information
10460 Emissions Net emissions/removals Net emissions/removals
10563 Emissions Indirect emissions Indirect emissions
10560 Emissions Amount captured Amount captured
10564 Emissions Recovery/Flaring Recovery/Flaring
10810 Emissions Emissions from manufacturing Emissions from manufacturing


Gasses include:

knitr::kable(head(rem$gas$annexOne, 10))
id name
10467 Aggregate GHGs
10469 CO₂
10468 CH₄
10471 N₂O
10470 HFCs
10473 PFCs
10475 Unspecified mix of HFCs and PFCs
10474 SF₆
10472 NF₃
10466 Aggregate F-gases


Units include:

knitr::kable(head(rem$units$units, 10))
id name
52 %
109 1000 number/ha
175 1000s
94 10^10 kCal
117 10^12 Btu
39 10^3 ha
99 10^3 Bbl(oil US)
101 10^3 km
106 10^3 l
54 10^3 m^3